Taí um disco pra se recomendar.
Taí um disco.
1. Porque tudo o que é físico é transitório e a única coisa que não é transitória no homem é sua própria alma. E porque há sempre uma maneira de falar sobre algo fazendo isso soar terrível, assim como há uma maneira de falar sobre esta mesma coisa fazendo-a soar excelente.
"We can do all kinds of physical things trying to find that peace that the world is seeking. But it will still be elusive, because everything that is physical it is transitory and the only thing that is not transitory in man is his own soul."
I've Been Thinking Too Hard - Yellow Days (2017)
"Now, you see if you want to live in a way that always is saying '- I think that life is disgusting' supposing you want to deny being, or that uh, people who hum, like music, are just a bunch of idiots, who sit around and go out of there minds listening to a lot of complicated noises. See there's always a way to go talking about something to make it sound terrible. Equally there is a way of talking about something to make it sound great. Now what do you want to do? Do you want to live your life in such a way that you're always saying to it, '- hmm, hmm..., yeaaaaaahhhh'. You want to... is that a good way to conduct things? Or do you want to live your life in such a way that you, you, you say, '- C'mon, let's go!' You see!? '- Let's, let's, let's..., let's swing this thing'.
2. Porque às vezes você espera que as coisas aconteçam de uma forma magnífica, mas as coisas nem sempre acontecem da forma que esperamos.
"- Oh, what's the use of trying? All you get is grades like that."
"- Howard there's a very familiar pattern of behavior there. Sometimes we expect great things. Things can't always work out the way we expect. When we're severely disappointed, we become emotionally upset. Well let me try to give you an example of this pattern of emotional upsets:"
You say you're tired and I understand
Cause you're my woman and I'm your man.
Tired - Yellow Days (2017)
"Now, dreaming, together with realistic planning, can be very fruitful. But John's dream was not realistic. He expected perfection on his very first try. Naturally..."
You say you're tired and I understand
Cause you're my woman and I'm your man.
"- John's so disappointed that he suffered an emotional upset. He raged and stormed."
"- But that's so childish!"
"- Yes, it was an infantile reaction, and of course, you wouldn't react that way would you?"
"- Oh, no, that's silly!"
"- But you might feel that way."
Difícil acreditar que essa voz vem de dentro de um menino de 18 anos, né?!